PolyDraw is a polyline designer used to create polyline shapes, featuring user-friendly controls, various drawing help tools (center polyline, mirror polyline, snap to vertex, load BMP sprite, load compare polyline, ...), and supporting penup option and line colors in RGBA (24-bit depth). Polylines are saved in plain text files, saving each vertex x and y position, line color and penup value (1 = TRUE, 0 = FALSE). The designer uses Vincent DeCampo's Polylib (coded in FreeBASIC), and it is primarily meant to be used with that lib, but due the simplicity of the file format in which the polylines are saved, you can use it with any sort of code that manipulates with polylines defined with vertices. The package includes a version of PolyLib, expanded and altered to comply with PolyDraw features. Download the designer here: PolyDraw_ver101.zip (115 KB) |